Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Holiness is the most preached sermon of our time, but there are no examples to follow. I personally believe that, God is about to raise group of people who will stand for him no matter what is going on in the church. The church of God needs to be cleanse from filth and sin. Sin seems to be ruling among Christians than any other thing. Man has been a slave to sin for many years without a way out. It seems the death of Christ is a waste. No wonder bad names are attached to the church of God so much.

Holiness is relegated to the background of our lives. No body wants to be holy. I hear people say every now and then that, it is not possible for human beings to be perfect. People are going about preaching the message that; we are seeds of Adam, because of that we are sinners. If you ask them they do not have any basis except their own failure to life pure.
But the bible say says we the seeds of the second Adam who is Jesus Christ.
In as much as sin entered the world through one man; Adam, so as righteousness entered the world through one man; the second Adam who is Jesus Christ.
In this message, I want to establish the point that, holiness is the standard of God for every believer. Perfection is in man. Man is the only entity that can live perfect life. This is because; all the creatures of the earth do not have the nature of God. That is why he called on the father of faith to be perfect in his ways of doing things after many years of following God’s voice.

And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram and said unto him, I am the Almighty God, walk before me and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
Genesis 17:1- 2

I wander what Abram was doing with his life all those years. You may be hundred years in the Lord, if you are not perfect; you are not in right position with God to covenant him. So the standard is that, I AM HOLY SO BE HOLY.

Why did God call on Abram to be perfect? It comes down to emphasis the point that, holiness is the only standard that man must come to before he can enter into covenant with God.

Holiness is a force. This is because; it is the booster of power. Holiness is a force because is the only antidotes to sin and a stop to the devil. Sin kills, destroys and resists the destiny of great men and women. Sin will bring you low more than you intend to end. It will take you far more than you intended to go.

Sin can never be defeated without the force of holiness, just as the force of gravity can not be overcome except aero dynamic force. This is because sin is also a force that compels people to do what they naturally do not want to do. This is the force that was at war with Apostle Paul when he said;

For I know in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would; I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members
Romans 7:18-19, 21-23
There is a law of sin. A law is a force. The law of sin is a force, it has control. Any time you find yourself in a situation where what you don’t want to do is what you do, it is the indication that, the law of sin has some kind of control over your life.

Man was naturally made and created. Man was made by the group of angels, and God in the spirit world. Afterwards, man was created by God on earth.

And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion… so God created man in his own image.
Genesis 1:26-27
This means that man is spirit; man has a soul and lives in the body. In the creation of man and making of man, he is supposed to own the earth. The earth belongs to man. That is why every thing on earth is only beneficial to humans. There is nothing on earth that spirits can benefit from.
It also means that, it is illegal for spirits to operate on earth without human bodies. That is why when God wanted to bring the world back to himself he had to wrap himself in the body of Christ.

To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto him self, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:19
God himself needed human body to dwell in before He could settle the issue of sin, so the devil needs human body. Note that; it is illegal for spirits to operate here on earth without human bodies. This is what the devil then does to get human body; he introduces you to sin so that he gains mastership over you.

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil
1 John 3:8
The penalty here is that, he that sins belong to the devil. So sin is an act of trading yourself to the devil. The Bible says; that person is FOR the devil. The scripture can never be broken. As a result of Adam and Eve’s sin, the devil became the master or the god of this world.

He used legal tactics to gain access to the earth realm when he introduced Adam and Eve to disobey God. One of the sad things is that, whoever introduces you to something does so to gain mastership over you. If I learn carpentry work from some body, the person teaches me to gain mastership over me. And so I call him master. In the same way, the devil introduced man to sin to gain mastership over man in the flesh. The Bible says any one who sin is of the devil because he first sinned. So the devil introduced Adam and Eve to sin hence he became master over them. Right from there, he became the god of this world.

In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believeth not.
2 Corinthians 4:4
This is the reason why the devil could tell Jesus to bow and serve him so that he gives the whole world to him. He was not lying to Jesus; he was exercising his highest authority to overcome Jesus.

On the other side of the story, if Adam and Eve had not given in to the devil, there wouldn’t have been a single thing written about Satan in human race- he would have been useless and powerless.

This is what happens to every one that sins. The Bible says that, the wages of sin is death, and the soul that sins shall die. The Lord also told Adam and earth that the day that they will eat of the fruit, they shall die. This kind of death is not physical death. In the actual fact, the meaning of death according to the Bible is separation of the spirit from the body. The devil can never destroy you unless he has killed you first.

The thief cometh not; but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy
John 10:10

You could see from the Bible that the devil always kills people before he destroys. He kills people by introducing them to sin so that their spirit component which gives life will be separated from them. When that happens the sin that lead you to sin takes the place of your spirit and puts your life into perpetual darkness and bondage. When the spirit of that sin enters you, it begins to control your body to where it wants it to go. No body can over come or resist this control unless another force which is higher that the force of sin is in him.


When Israel left Egypt to the Promised Land, the highest number that was killed came by sexual immorality. Paul told us that 23,000 men fell in one day, for fornication.

Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day, three and twenty thousand.
1 Corinthians 10:8
One of the dangerous things about sin of immorality is that; it leads to what we called soul tie. This is because the Bible teaches that any time you have sexual relationship with somebody, you become one flesh with the person. Your soul undergoes a covenant with the soul of the person that you went in for.
For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Matthew 19:5

Sex is meant for two fleshes to become one flesh. How can a person who is not married be the flesh of a man? That is the mystery of sexual relationship

Jesus said if you look at a woman and lust after her, you have committed fornication with her. And anytime two people have sexual affair, spiritually, they enter into covenant of becoming one flesh. So you can imagine somebody who have had sexual affair with many men or women, and the number of souls he or she has covenanted. This is what we call soul tie. You may break up with the person but you may be connected to the person’s soul hence you are not single.
Faith A. Oyedepo said in one of her books that,

Marriage is a covenant, and sex is the seal of the covenant. The breaking of the hymen by one’s husband is crucial and has a lot of spiritual significance. Covenants are sealed by the shedding of blood, so that they can not easily be broken. On the wedding night, as the marriage is consummated, God expects to see the hymen break and blood flow, to seal the covenant of marriage between husband and wife.
Making marriage work

This kind of sin is claiming the second highest number of lives. Three thousand men died, holding on to their gold. Exodus 32:26-28.
Do you remember the story of Gehazi the servant of Elisha? His financial corruption made him carry the leprosy of Naaman. [2 Kings 5:20-22, 25-27]
Financial corruption has caused nations so much. It is also something that the Lord detests. If you are going to be a man or woman that God can use in our time, there is the need for you to be pure when it comes to handling money. No matter the amount be faithful.

One of the commonest ways of seeing this sin is when people take money from others to do some thing and decide to use it for their personal gain.

This is another sin that has claimed the third largest number of souls in the church. Rebellion is when you deliberately react against order, targeted at leadership at all levels in the church of God. Any church or establishment you find yourself in and you have doubts about the leadership, it is not a place where you can be blessed. So check out of the place, before you are cast out. Your thinking ill against any leadership set over you is tearing down your own heritage. And if you have accepted leadership over you in the in your office or school, then stop playing with fire rejecting God’s order in the Church or in the family.

One of the ways rebellion spirit is seen in ones life is when the person operates with independent spirit. When the leaderships say, we are doing this, they also plan something contrary to what the church has plan. The trade mark for such people who rebel is pride. They always feel they are better than others. They feel like doing everything any time, with the ideal that they are the only people who can do it well. It is rebellion.

The devil strives to keep us in sin for three major reasons.
• He wants to keep you in the outer court perpetually, where you will never have access to revelations.[Hebrews 9:2-4]
• He wants to rob you off divine presence of God. Jesus could do all that he did because he carried the presence of God(God was with Him every where he went- John 3:2)
• He wants to disconnect you eternally from God(Revelation 21:7-8)

You can destroy sin completely from your life. The root of every human calamity is sin. Until the root is destroyed the tree will keep bearing fruits. But to every human question has an absolute answer with Him. When you locate that answer, you step into your freedom. In the race for rightful living, man is the determining factor, not the devil.
• New birth
• Sit down and think
• Exercise yourself
• The word answer
• Go for light
• Listen to your conscience
• The power of choice
• Take Strength in the inner man
• Disconnect/separation
• Engage the blood weapon

I trust that God will give you the power to stand no matter what happens. Do not be available to the devil any more. Put a pass word on your life. I advice that, if there is something bad you are doing today which you will stop tomorrow, stop it NOW. This is the right time to disarm sin and have authority. Do not look at the pressure now and sell your future to any body. Remember that, any time you bow down your head to pray for forgiveness of sin, the sin that is repeated everyday in your prayer is the sin that is taking you to hell. This is the right time to put an end to it.

I love you and I want to help you know Jesus. If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your savior, call now: 0543658152 or 0201145678.In case you can’t call now, you may say this prayer from your heart

Lord Jesus, I accept today that I am a sinner. I have lived in sin for many years. But today I confess to you that, I am no more going to live for my sins again. Please come into my heart and create in me a new heart. I promise to serve you with all my spirit, soul and body. I will love my neighbor as my self forever and ever. AMEN

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